Never thought this day would come. Not sure how to react. From waking in the night with words jumbling round my head to turning them into poetry. Thought at almost 70 my brain had given up the ghost but at least I know it still works. Born in Kilkenny, Ireland. One of 5 children. Placed in an Industrial School/Orphanage from the age of 6 when my mother ‘Dolly Scully’ passed away at the age of 29. Left aged 16. 1972 moved to London. 1974 moved to Coventry where I still live.
Always enjoyed English at the Presentation Convent along with Camogie, basketball, table tennis, running, singing.

I sit doing crafts from painting rocks, knitting, sewing (always by hand), quilling, cross stitch, rag rugs, and love baking (favourite Sticky Toffee Pudding) and make a mean curry, drawing,(in my living room but always looking out the window from where I get my inspiration for my poetry and my goodness do I see some stuff! The good, the bad and the down right rediculous. My greatest inspiration though is my beloved husband who has been by my side for 40 odd years. Without him I don’t think I would have put pen to paper and as you see some of the poems are all about him.

Good reading everyone, hope you enjoy my poems.

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